5 Self-Care Tips For The Holiday Season

The holidays can be a stressful time for many of us. In this article, we share 5 self-care tips to help you prioritize joy and wellness throughout the holiday season.

The holidays are upon us! This season is a time of festivities, hustle and bustle, and celebration for many. However, the holidays can also be overwhelming and stressful, so it’s important to nurture your mental health all throughout this festive time. Here are 5 self-care tips to help you prioritize joy and wellness during this holiday season.

  1. Prioritize resting and recharging.

    The holidays can be a very busy time, and you might be tempted to schedule events on events, adamant to see everyone and do everything during the break. But it’s important to prioritize recharging and resting - this includes getting enough sleep, recharging your mental energy, and fostering restful downtime. It’s also important to know when to say "No".

  2. Do the things you enjoy.

    The holidays can be stressful, so make sure you take the time to do the things you love, whether that be a passion project, playing a game, reading a book, or cozying up with a hot beverage and watching the snow fall. You deserve it!

  3. Take care of your mental health.

    Despite appearances, the holidays can be a difficult time for a myriad of reasons. Take care of your mental health by avoiding known triggers (as much as possible), setting boundaries, staying in tune with your emotions with regular self check-ins, and participating in activities that are comforting and regenerative.

  4. Make time for yourself.

    Making time for yourself is extremely important during the holiday season, when the focus is often on doing things for others, such as gift-giving and making it to engagements. Make time for yourself; plan a solo day out, or plan to do nothing and relax in bed for an entire day. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary!

  5. Disconnect from social media.

    Social media can be a great way to connect with people no matter the distance, but it can also be tempting to doom scroll or even compare holiday experiences with those posted on social media feeds. If you feel yourself deriving no positives from being on social media, disconnecting can be a healthy way to reconnect with yourself and have a better holiday season.

The holidays are a time when you’re allowed to take a break. Whether you’re spending the holidays with family, with friends, or by yourself, know that you’re not alone, and that you deserve to take care of yourself.

Code Crew Exclusive: Want more mental health resources for this holiday season? Check out the Code Crew Corner for a curated list of helpful resources.


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